1. Majesty - The Homecoming Friends
2. The Love Of God - David Phelps
3. Lord, Feed Your Children - Michael English
4. Satisfied - The Gaither Vocal Band
5. Redeemed - Terry Blackwood
6. I Will Praise Him! - The Homecoming Friends
7. Just As I Am - The Homecoming Friends
8. Sometimes, Alleluia - Terry Blackwood
9. Our God Reigns - Bob Cain
10. Blow the Trumpet In Zion - The Homecoming Friends
11. Awesome God - Mark Lowry
12. El Shaddai - Janet Paschal
13. Holy Ground - Joy Gardner
14. Sitting At the Feet Of Jesus - Joy Gardner
15. When God Seems So Near - Amy Rouse
16. Sweet Sweet Spirit - The Homecoming Friends
17. Worthy the Lamb - Amy Rouse
18. Alleluia - The Homecoming Friends