1. Pr�lude
2. O Christmas Tree/Mon Beau Sapin
3. Snowfall/Neige
4. Modulation 1
5. Silent Night/Sainte Nuit
6. First Noel/No�l No�
7. Modulation 2
8. All the Skys Aglow/Tout le Ciel Reluit
9. Modulation 3
10. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
11. Modulation 4
12. O Come All Ye Faithful/AdesteFideles
13. We Wish You a Merry Christmas
14. Hark, The Herald Angels Sing
15. Sounds of Peace/Sons de Paix
16. Little Drummer Boy/LEnfant au Tambour
17. Night of the Magi/Nuit des Mages
18. Pranava