1. Bouncing Rhymes: Ride Baby Ride
2. Bouncing Rhymes: Mother, Father and Uncle John
3. Bouncing Rhymes: To Market to Market
4. Bouncing Rhymes: This Is the Way the Ladies Ride
5. Bouncing Rhymes: Baby a Go Go
6. Bouncing Rhymes: Tommy OFlynn
7. Bouncing Rhymes: Rickety, Rickety Rocking Horse
8. Bouncing Rhymes: Captain Go Side Track Your Train
9. Finger and Toe Plays: This Little Pig Goes to Market
10. Finger and Toe Plays: Round & Round the Garden
11. Finger and Toe Plays: These Are Babys Fingers
12. Finger and Toe Plays: Slowly, Slowly
13. Finger and Toe Plays: Lets Go to the Woods
14. Finger and Toe Plays: Come a Look a See
15. Finger and Toe Plays: There Was a Little Man
16. Finger and Toe Plays: Shoe the Old Horse
17. Finger and Toe Plays: This Little Pig Had a Rub a Dub Dub
18. Finger and Toe Plays: This Little Baby
19. Action Rhymes: Riding on My Pony
20. Action Rhymes: Pop Goes the Weasel
21. Action Rhymes: Humpty Dumpty
22. Action Rhymes: 1, 2, 3 Babys on My Knee
23. Action Rhymes: One Is a Giant
24. Action Rhymes: Clap Your Hands Little Sally
25. Action Rhymes: Ring a Round the Rosie
26. Action Rhymes: Row, Row, Row Your Boat
27. Instrument Play: Listen to My Drum
28. Instrument Play: Baa, Baa Black Sheep
29. Instrument Play: Ride a Cock Horse to Bambury Cross
30. Instrument Play: I Can Play My Drum
31. Instrument Play: Jack Be Nimble
32. Instrument Play: 1, 2, Buckle My Shoe
33. Instrument Play: Bell Horses
34. Songs: Head and Shoulders
35. Songs: As I Was Walking to Town One Day
36. Songs: Lets Tap Our Legs Together
37. Songs: Rain Is Falling Down-Splash!
38. Lullabies: Baa, Baa Black Sheep
39. Lullabies: Starlight, Starbright
40. Lullabies: Sleep My Babe
41. Lullabies: Whatll I Do with My Baby-O?
42. Lullabies: Baa, Baa Black Sheep
43. Lullabies: Starlight, Starbright
44. Lullabies: Sleep My Babe
45. Lullabies: Whatll I Do with My Baby-O?