1. Bunny: The Trip to Pakistan/Da sneck o da smaalie/The Bunnys H
2. Mickeys: Winnie Hayes/Brian OLynns/Mickey Dans ? jigs
3. Annas Song
4. Santiago
5. Tills: Breton tune/Quarter Waltz ? gavotte/waltz
6. Fiachs: Fahy/The Umbilical Cord/Farewell to Phillip Lane ? ree
7. High Noon: The Stage/The High Noon Killer/The Kerry Lasses ? hor
8. Brians
9. Eilis: Eilis Bones/Charlie Lennons/The Doon Reel/The Curlew ?
10. Finland: Laihhian Polkka/Kuortaneen Polkka ? Finnish polkkas
11. Cloverfield: Cloverfield Corner/George Whites Favourite/The Coc
12. Waltz for Pelle