1. Gentleman A - The Four Postmen
2. I Married Momma - Barnes & Barnes
3. Youre My Twin - Bill Larkin
4. 2 Hot 4 U (Part II)
5. Please Do Something Stupid (Live) - Carla Ulbrich
6. 908-4-6553 - Cab City Combo
7. Understanding Blues - Dan Hart
8. Regurgitation Ridge - Enid Schwartz
9. Ode to Mrs. Grass Chicken Noodle Soup (Live) - The Great Luke SK
10. Mens Health Magazine (Live) - Rob Paravonian
11. Gasoline Angels - Grant Livingston
12. House Made of Underpants - Hot Waffles
13. Dave Matthews (Intro) - Throwing Toasters
14. When Cats Take Over the World - Jamie Anderson
15. Laurie, Laurie - Power Salad
16. Oh No - Phil Van Tee
17. Lando (Live) - Raymond & Scum
18. Toenails (Live at Dementia 2001) - Kornflake
19. Rhetorical Questions - Tony Goldmark