1. Khorhoort Khoreen - O Mystery Deep
2. Soorp Asdvadz - Holy God (Trisagion)
3. Marmeen Deroonagan - The Body of the Lord (Corpus Domini)
4. Kreesdos Ee Mech Mer Haydnetsav - Christ is Revealed Among Us
5. Soorp Soorp - Holy, Holy (Sanctus)
6. Hayr Mer - Lords Prayer (Pater Noster)
7. Meeayn Soorp - The One Holy (Quoniam Tu Solis Sanctus)
8. Amen. Hayr Soorp - Amen. Holy Father
9. Der Voghormya - Lord, Have Mercy (Kyrie, Eleison)
10. Yegheetsee - Blessed be the Name of the Lord
11. Medzatsoostse. Soorp zAsdvadzadzin - Magnificat. Holy Mother of
12. Khorhoort Medz - O Great Mystery
13. Ov Zarmanalee - How Wondrous
14. Aysor Tzaynun Hayragan - Today, the Paternal Voice
15. Park Ee Partsoons - Glory to God in the Highest (Gloria in Excel
16. Aysor Don eh Soorp Dzununtyan - Today is the Feast of the Holy N
17. Norahrash - New Wonders
18. Easter Dance
19. Ganantsun Gankhelov - The Oil Bearing Women
20. Vork Zartaretseen - Thou Who Adorned
21. Kovya Yeroosaghem uzDer. Haryav Krisdos - Praise the Lord, O Jer