1. R. THOMPSON, The Peaceable Kingdom: Say ye to the righteous
2. R. THOMPSON, The Peaceable Kingdom: Woe unto them
3. R. THOMPSON, The Peaceable Kingdom: The noise of a multitude
4. R. THOMPSON, The Peaceable Kingdom: Howl ye
5. R. THOMPSON, The Peaceable Kingdom: The paper reeds by the brook
6. R. THOMPSON, The Peaceable Kingdom: But these are they that fors
7. R. THOMPSON, The Peaceable Kingdom: Have ye not known?
8. R. THOMPSON, The Peaceable Kingdom: Ye shall have a song
9. BRAHMS, Fest- und Gedenksprüche, Opus 109: Unsere Väter hoffte
10. BRAHMS, Fest- und Gedenksprüche, Opus 109: Wenn ein starker G
11. BRAHMS, Fest- und Gedenksprüche, Opus 109: Wo ist ein so herrli
12. M. TIPPETT, Spirituals from A Child of Our Time: Steal away
13. M. TIPPETT, Spirituals from A Child of Our Time: Nobody knows
14. M. TIPPETT, Spirituals from A Child of Our Time: Go down, Moses
15. M. TIPPETT, Spirituals from A Child of Our Time: By and by
16. M. TIPPETT, Spirituals from A Child of Our Time: Deep river
17. GINASTERA, The Lamentations of Jeremiah: O vos omnes qui transit
18. GINASTERA, The Lamentations of Jeremiah: Ego vir videns pauperta
19. GINASTERA, The Lamentations of Jeremiah: Recordare Domine quid a
20. ROSSINI, I Gondolieri (The Gondoliers)
21. ROSSINI, La Passeggiata (The Excursion)