1. Introduction Blessing - J P Hamm
2. New Shirt - C F Gleason
3. Good Hearted Jesus - C F Gleason
4. I Want To Go Home - C F Gleason
5. Evening Friend - C F Gleason
6. His Blood (is all I need) - C F Gleason
7. Because of You - John Carter
8. Shades of Black - C F Gleason
9. For Who You Are - C F GLeason
10. I Surrender All (to you) - Billie Wisneski
11. Anointing - C F Gleason
12. Psalm 34:8-11 C F Gleason - Invitation - Kitty Gleason
13. Mighty Fortress Is Our God
14. Onward Christian Soldiers
15. Jesus Is All the World to Me
16. Holy, Holy, Holy
17. Softly & Tenderly
18. God Be with You Till We Meet Again