1. BSS Theme: The Bible
2. By Faith We Understand
3. By the Word of Jehovah
4. God Said to Moses
5. These Words Which I Command
6. Spirit of Jehovah
7. Like the Wind That Blows
8. BKS of Bible, Old Testament
9. Grass Will Wither
10. I Believe the Promises
11. In All the World
12. Psalm 119 Declares
13. BKS of Bible, Ot, Rhythm
14. These Have Been Written
15. Christ Would Be the One
16. In Patterns and Parables
17. No Man Ever
18. BKS of Bible, New Testament
19. Words I Speak
20. It Is Living, Word of God
21. Ive Got the Living Word
22. Oh, What a Seed
23. How Sweet Thy Words
24. Like Newborn Babes
25. BKS of Bible, NT, Rhythm
26. Let the Word of Christ Dwell
27. Yes, In My Bible
28. These Are Those
29. Holy Bible, Oh, The Very Thought
30. BKS of Bible, Old and New
31. Receive with Meekness
32. Your Word Is Truth
33. Theme Song: Instrumental Reprisal