1. Farmers Boy 2. Glorious Ale 3. Spanish Lady 4. Nutting Girl 5. Sarey Green 6. Young Banker 7. Hard Times of Old England 8. Miners Life 9. Bring Us a Barrel 10. If it Wasnt for the Houses in Between 11. Monto 12. Green Bushes 13. Hunters Moon 14. An Evening in Summer 15. Flower of Magherallio 16. May Morning Dew 17. Borneo 18. Bunch of Thyme 19. Thousands or More 20. Ball of Yarn 21. A Stor Mo Chroi 22. Pleasant and Delightful 23. Ivinghoe 24. Cuckoos Nest 25. Good Ale 26. Dorset is Beautiful 27. The Blind 28. Touched Her on the Toe 29. Three Score and Ten 30. Fathom the Bowl 31. Good Sir John 32. Three Jolly Boys 33. Vicar and the Frog 34. The Holly and the Ivy 35. Cornish Lads 36. Rolling Home