1. Among Fields of Shocked Corn - Ralph Angel
2. Something stayed in the mind there - Ralph Angel
3. The Role of the Female Artist in Society - Stephanie Brown
4. Keeping Up with the Joneses - Stephanie Brown
5. A four-sided traffic light - Killarney Clary
6. Leaves under the bamboo - Killarney Clary
7. The Issue of Their Loins - James McMichael
8. Pretty Blue Apron - James McMichael
9. Oh Let Me Be Quiet and Near - Doreen Gildroy
10. Lying on the Bed with the Window Open - Doreen Gildroy
11. A Version of Happiness - Michael Ryan
12. Saying Things - Sharon Bryan
13. Oh Boy - Sharon Bryan
14. Work Song - Judith Hall
15. Balm - Judith Hall
16. Small World - Allyson Shaw
17. Golgotha - Allyson Shaw
18. The Quicksand Hourglass - Jeffrey McDaniel
19. The Archipelago of Kisses - Jeffrey McDaniel
20. The Train - Patty Seyburn
21. Ode to Joy - Chris Abani
22. [1971] - Chris Abani
23. Nothing is Anonymous - Elena Karina Byrne
24. Detail in Black - Elena Karina Byrne
25. Words in Your Mouth - Arthur Volgelsang
26. Which Letter - Arthur Volgelsang
27. Airport - Claudia Keelan
28. Hello, Beloved - Claudia Keelan
29. My Mojave - Donald Revell
30. Meadowork - Donald Revell
31. Memory - C.M. Davidson
32. Perfect Drift - C.M. Davidson
33. Us in the Dark Wandering Home - Michelle Mitchell-Foust
34. Hotel Elefant - Michelle Mitchell-Foust
35. Experiment/Experimento - Alicia Partnoy
36. The Art of Poetry/Arte Poetica - Alicia Partnoy
37. Elegy Horribly Glamorous - Gail Wronsky
38. Cherries in the Snow - Gail Wronsky
39. A Blues for John James - Chris Abani