1. Bshem Hashem (In the Name of the Holy One
2. Shalom Aleykhem (Peace Be Upon You)
3. Shiru lAdonai (Sing a New Song to God)
4. LCha Dodi (To You My Beloved)
5. Maariv Song (Song of the Evening)
6. Ahavat Olam (Love of the World)
7. Shma (Listen!)
8. Mi Khamokha (Who Is Like You?)
9. Hashkiveynu (Help Us Lie Down in Peace)
10. Vshamru (And You Shall Keep)
11. Amidah (The Great Standing Prayer)
12. Kaddish (Sanctification)
13. Aleinu (Its Upon Us)
14. Hashkiveynu Reprise
15. Shabbat Niggun
16. Shehekheyanu (You Have Kept Us Alive)
17. Elu Devarim (These Are the Words)
18. Kol Mekadeshe (All Is Holy)
19. Menukha Vsimkha (Rest and Joy)
20. Yom Shabbat (This Sabbath Day)
21. Yah Ribbon (Master of All)
22. Tsur Mishelo (The Rock)
23. Mimkomkha (From Your Sacred Place)
24. Barukh el Elyon (Blessed Is the Almighty)
25. Dror Yikrah (Calling the Generations)
26. Yom Zeh Mekhubad (This Holy Day)
27. Atzabehem (Their Bones)
28. Bim Bom
29. Moshele
30. Legacy (Spoken Word)