1. The Day Hath Dawned, The Day of Days
2. Hence My Heart, And Cease Such Thinking
3. Christ Who Freed Our Souls from Danger
4. Jesus, Thou Who Once Was Dead
5. Blessed Is the Spirit
6. See the Lord of Life and Light
7. Jesus, Priceless Treasure
8. All My Heart This Night Rejoices
9. When Anguished and Perplexed
10. Jesus, Lord of Life and Death
11. Jesus, My Sure Defense
12. Our Holy Christ Is Risen Today
13. O Man, Christ Jesus Now Behold
14. O Must Thou Say Goodnight Now, Jesus Mine
15. O How Blessed Are Ye Whose Toils Are Ended
16. Holy, Holy, Holy
17. On That Day That Christ Our Lord Predicted
18. Father, Lord of Mercy
19. Now at Length the Hour Is Near
20. Sink Not Yet, My Soul to Slumber
21. O Father! Send the Spirit Down