1. Gods Coffee Break
2. The Noble Experiment
3. Insidious Sh#! t
4. FCC You - No, Big Bro
5. Nice Police State - Free from Freedom
6. Laughing Liberation [Ugly Mix]
7. Wobble It a Bit, Pedro
8. What Liberty ?!
9. Reservation Blues
10. Denial Is a Flood Along the Potomac
11. Rewires
12. Bu$#t, Bu$#t, Bu$#T
13. $Am
14. America Fights the World
15. Then Ill Say Amen
16. History Lessons
17. Dontcha Come Alookin
18. The Times
19. Little Cages
20. Too Damn Straight
21. Free Forever More
22. Fanfare of the Common Cold [Instrumental]
23. Immortal Words
24. Lectra & Lux
25. Clorg & Zator
26. Smokey & Kate
27. Yellowstone Forever
28. The New Federalism (Store Trek)
29. Millions of Hostile Penguins Drug-In and Masturbate Outside The
30. My Dog Spot
31. Back in the U$$A
32. Taps
33. The Scream
34. Life Imitates Life (a Bizarre Wierdness)
35. Government Knows Best/Gods Coffee Break