1. Konikovi Uzdicka [Halter for My Horse]
2. Nebo Je Nad Hlavou [Sky Above]
3. Na Hnedom Zrebcovi [On a Brown Stalion]
4. Na Vrcharskom Laze [On the Mountain]
5. Voda Studena [Cold Water]
6. Stromy Rozkvitaju [Trees in Bloom]
7. Rubali Svatohaj [They Cut Down a Holly Forrest]
8. Siel by Do Hory [Id Go to the Mountain]
9. Kdeze Sa Stretneme [Where Shall We Meet]
10. Zjavuje Sa Mu [His Vision]
11. Sam [Alone]
12. Kolkokrat [How Many Times]
13. Kde Je Ta Kozicka [Where Is the Little Goat]
14. Kozy Kozy Kozenky [Calling the Goats]
15. Ty Biely Cuvacu [White Sheep Dog]
16. Hej Poznas Ma [You Know Me]
17. Vrcharovi Dobre Je Ked [Mountain Man Is Well]
18. Hej Pod Horou [Bellow the Mountain]
19. Treba Prezit [Must Survive]
20. Aj Keby Si Bol Sam [Even If You Are Alone]