èµ·èµ° Walk With Me
今天å¯ä»¥ä¸ä¸€æ¨£ a Different Day
就在這裡 Right Here
世界è½ä¸æ‡‚çš„æŒ a Song That the World Does Not Understand
我是誰 Who Am I
毛毛蟲 Caterpillar
天國的åæ°‘ People of the Heavenly Kingdom
仰望 Look Upon God
有誰能åƒç¥¢ There Is None Like You
主æ©å…¸ Grace of God
æ„Ÿè¬ Thank You
多一點 a Little More
Album Notes Taken from internet
Amy Sand's "Right Here" is the newest album by Clay Music! Even though it just came out not too long ago, it has been widely used and embraced by the Chinese Christian community all over the world as a tool to worship God, to comfort souls, and to bring people closer to Jesus! Amy's naturally sweet voice has a soothing touch that appeals to all ages, and the messages in her songs always enlighten and inspire people to have a more positive perspective towards life and any situations you may be facing.
As always, Amy's music is creative, and her albums are always musically interesting, performed by a group of sought-after Hollywood Christian musicians who not only demonstrate their professional skills, but also their serving hearts! You can feel the anointing of God's love throughout all her albums!
For more information about Amy Sand, her album productions, and her ministry “Clay Musicâ€, please visit