1. Tarantella for Flute, Clarinet, & Piano
2. Introspective Visions for Violin & Clarinet: Inquiry
3. mvt.2: Dark Amusement
4. mvt.3: Longing
5. mvt.4: Egress
6. Intermezzo for Flute, Clarinet, & Piano
7. Gargoyle Trilogy for Organ: Le Chat Gargoyle of Rheims Catherdra
8. mvt.2: Tuscan Gargoyle
9. mvt.3: Gnawing Gargoyle of Notre Dame
10. Nocturne for Solo Alto Flute
11. Sonata for Flute & Piano: Allegro energico
12. mvt.2: Adagio con expressivo
13. mvt.3: Tarantella
14. Duo for Alto Flute & Cello: Introduction and Allegro
15. mvt.2: Lullaby
16. mvt.3: Invented Rag
17. Jubilance! for Alto Saxophone & Organ