1. Hence, Stars, Too Dim Of Light
2. With Angels Face And Brightness
3. Lightly She Whipped Oer The Dales
4. Long Live Fair Oriana
5. All Creatures Now Are Merry-Minded
6. Fair Oriana, Beautys Queen
7. The Nmphs And Shepherds Danced
8. Calm Was The Air And Clear The Sky
9. Thus Bonny-Boots The Birthday Celebrated
10. Sing, Shepherds All, And In Your Rounddelays
11. The Fauns And Satyrs Tripping
12. Come, Gentle Swains
13. With Wreaths Of Rose And Laurel
14. Arise, Awake, Awake
15. Fair Nymphs, I Heard One Telling
16. The Lady Oriana
17. Hark! Did Ye Ever Hears So Sweet A Singing?
18. As Vesta Was From Latmos Hill Descending
19. Fair Orion, In The Morn
20. Round About Her Charret
21. Bright Phoebus Greets Most Clearly
22. Fair Oriana, Seeming To Wink At Folly
23. Fair Cytherea Presents Her Doves
24. Hard By A Crystal Fountain
25. Come, Blessed Byrd