1. Jesus Christ is risen today, arr. John Rutter
2. Haec dies, William Byrd
3. Most glorious Lord of life, William H. Harris
4. Christus Vincit, Joseph Noyon, arr. Hancock
5. Dum transisset sabbatum, John Taverner
6. My beloved spake, Patrick Hadley
7. Come ye faithful, raise the strain, arr. Scott
8. Feierlicher Einzug, Solemn Entry for the Knights of St. John for brass quintet, timpani and organ, arr. Scott McIntosh, Richard Strauss
9. Surrexit Christus hodie, Samuel Scheidt, ed. Rutter
10. Lord of the Dance, arr. John Bertalot
11. Dic nobis, Maria, Giovanni Bassano
12. If ye be risen again with Christ, Orlando Gibbons
13. Sing ye to the Lord, Edward C. Bairstow
14. Ye choirs of new Jerusalem, Sir Charles Villiers Stanford
15. He is risen, He is risen, Unser Herrscher, arr. John Scott
16. Grand Choeur Dialogue for brass, timpani and organ, Eugene Gigout, arr. Scott McIntosh