1. Intro - Jazz in New York Air Now
2. Building Nicoles Mama
3. Letting Go
4. Prologue
5. You
6. On Labor and Love #3
7. On the First Born
8. Dona Maria Greets Her Comadre-Dona Luna at the Balcony Window
9. Bending Light
10. Sex Fugue
11. Cantaloupe Island
12. Celebration Dance
13. I Am A Black Woman Song
14. Bodacious Cowgirls
15. Pent-Up House
16. Blue Nights
17. Bluebird
18. Broken Ends, Broken Promises
19. Jazz Spirit I (excerpt)
20. Just In Time
21. Fancy
22. Happy Birthday, Louis Armstrong
23. So What
24. tribute: the poet is shiva isis mothermary nefertiti & judy garl