CD1: Chakra Balancing: Sahaswara Massage Journey: Lotus Of One Thousand Petals Exhale Survival Inner Land Jewel Nadi Mirror To The Soul Purification Eye Of The Soul Sahaswara - Bliss Serenity Heaven And Earth CD2: Chakra Meditation Prelude 1st Chakra Muladhara - Red / Lam 2nd Chakra Svadhisthana - Orange / Vam 3rd Chakra Manipura - Yellow / Ram 4th Chakra Anahata - Green /Yam 5th Chakra Vishuddha - Pale Blue / Ham 6th Chakra Ajna - Indigo / Sham 7th Chakra Sahaswara - Gold / Om Lam, Vam, Ram, Yam, Ham, Sham, OM
Give the Gift of Healing
CHAKRA means "wheels of light" - spinning vortexes of energy contained in each of us.
In this luxury 2CD edition (with detailed manual and images), Deepak Chopra, M.D. takes us on an effortless journey toward healing and transformation with simple instructions and guidance.
CHAKRA BALANCING: BODY, MIND & SOUL gives us the key to maintaining Wellness and Balance by providing effective tools for the removal of any blockages in our chakra system to achieve radiance in Body, Mind and soul.
Luxury 2 CD Gift Set, Comprehensive 28 Page Booklet