1. The First Weaving
2. The Second Weaving
3. The Third Weaving
4. Oi, toli, toli (Oh, far far away)
5. Vativoolo, oolo and O ginali ginali (Come, little shepherd)
6. Pute vejas (The wind has blown)
7. A-a,a-a, mazilyte (Ah, ah, the little one)
8. Saulala motula (Dear Mother Sun)
9. Us, birrr, telek (Us, birrr, piggies home)
10. Spring: Fathers orchard
11. A dream: autumn in palanga
12. traces of the toad cult found alongside veprynas lake
13. The collective request of the dead country children of pateru village
14. bell music for st. casimir
15. 1. ...the love song before the wedding...
16. 2. ...the song sung while returning from the wedding...
17. 3. ...lamenting a week after the wedding ...
18. 4. ...a memory of days before wedlock...