Forest Sama'i
Pure Nothing
The Narrow Garden
Nobis Natalis
Invisus Natalis
Embut Ensemble, reunit per Christopher Williams, Joan Riera i Manel Ribera
Recorded Live at "Sala Ovidi Montllor", Mercat de les Flors, October 9, 2007
Pure Nothing lyrics from the book "The Mays of Ventadorn" by W.S. Merwin. Copyright © 2002 W. S. Merwin. Reprinted by arrangement with the National Geographic Society.
©&℗ 2012 Ipecac Recordings
Art Direction [Visual Art Direction], Design [Graphic Design By]
Bryce Davesne
Bass [Baix]
Trevor Dunn
Bassoon [Fagot]
Michael Ibrahim
Contrabass [Contrabaix]
Christopher Williams (5),
Felipe Contreras
Directed By [Director]
Eyvind Kang
Flute [Flauta], Ney [Nei]
Bassam Saba
Flute [Flautes]
Daphna Mor
French Horn [Trompa]
Josiah Boothby
Guitar [Guitarra]
David Murgadas
Harp [Arpa]
Shelley Burgon
Illustration [Based On Illustrations By]
Ernst Haeckel
Lyrics By
Sulpicia (tracks: 6, 7)
Lyrics By [Poem By]
Guilhem IX, (tracks: 2)
Music By, Producer [Production By]
Eyvind Kang
Oboe [Oboè]
Taina Karr
Percussion [Percussió]
April Centrone,
Ferran Armengol
Producer [Concert Produced By]
Arco y Flecha
Recorded By [Additional Recording By]
Shahzad Ismaily
Recorded By, Mixed By
Mell Dettmer
Translated By [English Translation]
W.S. Merwin, (tracks: 2)
Laia Besalduch,
Marc Terrida,
Miquel Córdoba,
Stephanie Griffin
Violin [Primer ViolÃ]
Aleix Puig,
Ariadna Padró,
Gabriel Coll,
Guillem Calvo,
Oriol Saña
Violin [Segon ViolÃ]
Daniel Cubero,
Emilia Grajales,
Gerard PurtÃ,
Lluna Aragón,
Maria Sanz
Violin [Violi]
Roberto Riggio
Violin [ViolÃ]
Jenny Scheinman
Violoncello [Violoncel]
Amat Santacana,
Eva Gumà ,
Marika Hughes,
Oleguer AymamÃ
Vocals [Veu]
Jessika Kenney
Copyright (c)
Ipecac Recordings
Phonographic Copyright (p)
Ipecac Recordings
Manufactured By
Fontana Distribution
Distributed By
Fontana Distribution
Recorded At
Sala Ovidi Montllor, Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona