1. Ani DiFranco - School Night
2. Lorenzo Goetz - Fist Above My Wrist
3. Centaur - Thimbles
4. Terminus Victor - Strange Fulfillment
5. Veruca Salt - Blissful Queen
6. Firetrucs - Telephone
7. Triple Whip - Tax
8. Andrea Maxand - When God Shut the Door
9. Riddle of Steel - Kissing in Secret
10. Legs for Days - Song In D
11. Cameron McGill - Long Way Back To California
12. Lennon - Nothing Out of Me
13. Ring, Cicada - I Remember
14. Rachael Sage - What If
15. Steve Turner - Smart Operator
16. Edward Burch w/ Jay Bennett - You Shared You
17. Ward - Boom
18. Lucky Mulholland - Inside Room #2
19. Noe Venable - In the Dark