1. <I>Leshem Yikhud</I> (For the Oneness)<BR>
2. <I>Ani Nikhna </I>(I Surrender)<BR>
3. <I>Zikhrekha</I> (Remembering You)<BR>
4. <I>Barkhi Nafshi </I>(Soul-Blessing)<BR>
5. <I>Hakhanah Niggun</I> (A Melody for Entering)<BR>
6. <I>A Dudele</I> (An Intimate Song for You)<BR>
7. <I>A Sacred Song by Reb Nachman of Breslov</I><BR>
8. <I>Sim Shalom </I>(Bring About Peace)<BR>
9. <I>Atah, Atah, Atah</I> (You, You, You)<BR>
10. <I> The Beshts Yedid Nefesh</I><BR>
11. <I>Takhanun</I> (Missing the Mark)<BR>
12. <I>Memaley Kol Almin</I> (You Fill All the Worlds)<BR>
13. <I>A Sabbath Song by Reb Aharon of Karlin</I><BR>
14. <I>Adir Venaor</I> (Strength and Illumination)<BR>
15. <I>Traversing the Five Souls</I><BR>
16. <I>Seu Minkhah</I> (The Offering)<BR>
17. <I>A Melody for Leaving the Body</I><BR>
18. <I>Birkat Kohanim</I> (May You Be Blessed)<BR>