Long Song: "Galisteo Basin"
Cancion De Villanueva
The Waldo Waltz
Apple Blossom (1972)
The Three Strange Angels (1972-73)
8 Tom Toms
2 Bullroarers & Lion's Roar
4 Tom Toms, 2 Bass Drums, 2 Pianos
Obstacle Of Sleep (1973)
Mayacamas Songs N°3 (1979)
Flor De Los Muertos (1978)
Dance 1a; 1b; 1c
Dance 2a; 2b; 2c
Dance 3a; 3b
Percussion Interlude "Tlaloc"
Dance 4a "Abo"
Dance 4b; "The Hair Of The Dog Coda"
"This long out of print masterpiece, considered by many to be Peter’s greatest recording, was originally released in 1989 on WhatNext? as Border Music and is supplemented here by rare live recordings from the same period."
Heung-Heung Chin
Directed By, Percussion
Christopher Shultis
The Peter Garland Ensemble (tracks: 1 to 3, 10 to 17),
The University Of New Mexico Percussion Ensemble (tracks: 4 to 9)
John Zorn
Executive-Producer [Associate Producer]
Kazunori Sugiyama
Rosalind Simpson
Mastered By
Scott Hull (2)
Alan Lawrence,
Brett Reed (2),
Dan Hilland,
Doug Nottingham,
Fred Bugbee,
Hovey Dean Corbin,
John Bartlit,
Karen DeWig,
Landon Young,
Steve Hearn (2)
Photography By [Ensemble]
Lynne Lawlor
Photography By [Garland]
Ray Belcher
Producer, Composed By, Percussion
Peter Garland
Recorded By
Kevin Campbell (2) (tracks: 4 to 9),
Steve Peters (tracks: 1 to 3, 10 to17)
Recorder, Percussion
Lynne Lawlor
Lynn Case
Recorded At
University Of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Recorded At
Center For Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe, NM
Published By
Petroglyph Music (2)