1. I. Farandula Simple (Farandole Simple)
2. II. Farandula de Charlatanes - No Saben el Camino (Farandole of Charlatans ? They Dont Know the Way.)
3. III. Estragos de la Guerra (Ravages of War)
4. IV. Farandula de Politicos - Contra el Bien General (Farandole of Politicians - Against the Common Good.)
5. V. Farandula de Populacho (Farandole of the Rabble)
6. VI. Extrana Devocion! (Strange Devotion!)
7. VII. Farandula de Dreyentes - Nada. Ello lo Dice (Farandole of Believers - Nothing. That is What it Says.)
8. VIII. Farandula Doble (Farandole Double)