1. Piping Hot
2. Bonnie Dundee
3. The Barren Rocks of Aden/The Earl of Mansfield
4. The Rose of Allendale/Killiecrankie
5. Skye Boat Song/The Fairy Dance/Corn Riggs
6. Duncan McInnes/Teribus/Corriechollies Welcome to the Northern Neeting
7. Kilworth Hills/Dream Valley of Glendaruel
8. Gaelic Air/Circassian Circle/Paddys Leather Breeches/The Muckin OGeor
9. The Pipers Waltz/The Stronsay Waltz
10. The Crusaders/Caller Herrin/Scots Wha Hae/The Bonnie Lass OFyvie
11. Wooden Heart/Going Home
12. Scotland the Brave
13. A.A. Cameron/Wisemans Exercise/Donald Bain/The Barn Dance/Hieland Ladd
14. Mist Covered Mountains/The Dark Island/O Gin I Were A Barons Heir
15. Murdos Wedding/Wings/Leaving Liverpool/Tom Saunders/Roses Of Prince Ch
16. Brigadier Snow/Shoals Of Herring
17. Ae Fond Kiss/My Love Shes But A Lassie Yet/There Was A Lad Born In Kyl
18. The Saffron Kilt/Lochanside
19. The Rowan Kilt/Bonnie Gallowa/The Waters of Kylesky/The Rocky Road to
20. Archie McKinlay/Cullen Bay
21. Amazing Grace