9 Haiku (2005)(texts by Matsuo Basho)
1. "Culture's beginnings: / rice-planting songs / from the heart of the country.
2. "Above the moor / Not attached to anything, / a skylark singing"
3. "This bright harvest moon - / Keeps me walking / all night long / around the little pond"
4. "As the sound fades, / the scent of the flowers / comes up - / the evening bell."
5. "The lightning flashes / And slashing through / the darkness, / a night heron's screech."
6. "Where's the moon? / As the temple bell is - / sunk in the sea"
7. "Clouds come from / time to time - / and bring to men / a chance to rest / from looking at the moon."
8. "My eyes following / until the bird was / lost at sea / found a small island."
9. "Sick on a journey, / Only my dreams will wander / these desolate moors."
Hands On! (1993)
Dharma Pops (2006)(texts by Jack Kerouac)
1. "snap yr finger / stop the world! / - Rain falls harder"
2. "Rain's over, hammer on wood / - this cobweb / Rides the sun shine"
3. "The raindrops have plenty / of personality - / Each one"
4. "Bach through an open / dawn window - / the birds are silent"
5. "The strumming of the trees / reminded me / Of immortal afternoon"
6. "Evening coming - / The office girl / Unloosing her scarf"
7. "Nat Wills / - America / in 1905"
8. "Useless! useless! / - heavy rain driving / Into the sea"
9. "The Golden Gate / creaks / With sunset rust"
10. "Three pencils arranged, / Three minutes / Sambaghakaya, Nirvanakaya, Dharmakaya"
Jack Kerouac, from "Book of Haikus"
Same River Different (1999)
Protest Song (2002)
Automotive Passacaglia (1988/rev. 2003)