1. Storm Clouds: In My Dream/Flight/Echoes/Perception
2. Across the Universe: Shining/Celestial/Gathering Legacy/Starlight
3. Hopes and Dreams: Nidi Ah Heeya Hey/Edge of the World/Sha Sha Ha Wanayo
4. Shades on Earth: Across the Dawn/Inner Voice/Moments/Tapestries
5. Hummingbirds Gift: Daybreak/Where Hummingbirds Fly/Red Earth/The Keepe
6. Wisdom Through Fire: Let My Spirit Fly/Homeland/Symbolic/Ascend
7. Ancestors Spirit: Path I Walk/In Our Eyes/Little One/On the Road
8. Melodies of the Heart:
9. Birth of Rhythm
10. Turquoise Drem