1. Words of Encouragement for all the Young Spirits (4:15)
2. Maskosiw Sim�win (Grass Dance, 3:09)
3. K�pem�citiyek (Kayden Shoulderblade�s Song, 4:41)
4. Kanawapam E-nahiska (Look at Him/Her, He/She is Looking Beautiful, 1:48)
5. �mekwana (Eagle Feather, 3:45)
6. Samson�s Groove (4:18)
7. Takak�keh (Doing it Right, 2:09)
8. Crow-Hop (3:16)
9. AZ�s Finest (2:30)
10. Pewitcimkam�minan (Come and Sing Along with Us, 3:43)
11. Taking it Back to �99 (4:16)
12. Joel Wood�s Jammer (3:35)
13. P�castamotek (Come Walking, 5:05)
14. Kamiyo-Mac�honanaw (Having Good Health/Feelings, 3:37)
15. Sneak-Up (2:46)
16. Richard Deer�s Song (3:58)