Singet Dem Herrn Ein Neues Lied, BWV 225
Der Geist Hilft Unsrer Schwachheit Auf, BWV 226
Jesu, Meine Freude, BWV 227
Furchte Dich Nicht, BWV 228
Komm, Jesu, Komm, BWV 229
Lobet Den Herrn, Alle Heiden, BWV 230
Recorded in Rosslyn Hill Chapel, Hampstead, London from 5th to 7th February, 1996. (Soloists, Chorus and Ensemble on original instruments)
Cover Painting: The Nativity by Claesz Aert
Composed By
Johann Sebastian Bach
John Taylor (13)
The Scholars Baroque Ensemble
Liner Notes [Music Notes]
Keith Anderson (6)
John Taylor (13),
Judy Lieber (2)
Recorded At
Rosslyn Hill Chapel, Hampstead
Copyright (c)
HNH International Ltd.
Phonographic Copyright (p)
HNH International Ltd.
Distributed By
MVD Music And Video Distribution GmbH
Pressed By
P+O Pallas