1. Troisieme annee (Third Year): Angelus! Priere aux anges gardiens (Agelus. Prayer to the Guardian...)
2. Troisieme annee (Third Year): Aux cypres de la Villa d Este I (To the Cypresses of the Villa d...)
3. Troisieme annee (Third Year): Aux cypres de la Villa d Este II (To the Cypresses of the Villa d...
4. Troisieme annee (Third Year): Les jeux deau a la Villa dEste (The Fountains of the Villa dEste)
5. Troisieme annee (Third Year): Sunt lacrymae rerum (en mode hongrois) (There are tears for things...
6. Troisieme annee (Third Year): Marche funebre (Funeral March)
7. Troisieme annee (Third Year): Sursum corda (Lift up your hearts)