1. Also Sprach Zarthustra [Used in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory]
2. Blue Danube [Used in the Life and DeAth of Peter Sellers]
3. Marriage of Figaro /Porgi Amor [Used in the Skeleton Key]
4. Barber of Seville /Overture [Used in Robots]
5. Elisir dAmore /Una Furtiva Lagrima [Used in Match Point]
6. Symphony No. 1 [Used in Wallace & Gromit in the Curse of the ...]
7. Motet Jesu, Meine Freude, BWV 227 /Ex ... [Used in Kingdom of Heaven]
8. Canon and Gigue [Used in the Upside of Anger]
9. Dido and Aeneas (/Didos Lament [Sed in the Downfall (Der Untergang)]
10. String Quartet No. 21 /First Movement [Used in Monster-In-Law]
11. Abdelazar /Rondeau [Used in Pride and Prejudice]
12. Song of the Volga Boatmen ( [Sed in Lord of War]
13. Capriccio Espagnol [Used in Brokeback Mountain)