1. Al Tira Avdi YaAkov (Dont Be Afraid My Servant Jacob)
2. Yad Anuga (Delicate Hand)
3. Treeya, Pedya, Volyotika (Three Boys from Volyota)
4. Romances de la Guerra (Ballad of the War)
5. Edo
6. Dachla Ayunik (I Swear by Your Eyes)
7. Vranyanka
8. Havi Yayeen (Give Me Wine)
9. Los Bilblicos (The Nightingales)
10. Samyotisa (The Girl from Samos)
11. Har Vakar Horiku (The Mountain and the Valley Blossomed)
12. Hanoded (The Wanderer)
13. Taam Haman (Taste of Manna)
14. Im NeNalu (If They are Locked)
15. Shabat Shalom (Peace Unto the Sabbath)