Stimuli (Feat. Roger Miller)
Funnelvision (Feat. Erik Lindgren)
Perspectives (Feat. Erik Lindgren)
Discovery (Feat. Erik Lindgren)
Silence (Feat. Roger Miller)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Beetle Forest
4 Guitars (Feat. Susan DeLeo)
The Process
Gravity (Feat. Susan DeLeo)
The Music Box
An Orchestra In Reflection
A Paraphrase
3 Voices
Recorded at Sounds Interesting Studios, Middleboro, MA
STIMULI is an ultra-modern album which treats music, soundscape, and textural patterns with equality. This is not, however, a recording for anyone with limited ideas about music. In "Stimuli" for example, we hear the sounds of various balls (we are told in the liner notes) being dropped into an open grand piano, over an electronic drone. The interest lies in the subtle difference in sound. "Funnelvision" is an exercise in layering, with acoustic and electronic sounds, plus recorded voices being layered over one another at different "paces." "Gravity" includes a guitar and lyrics that almost reach the realm of pop music, but stay consciously closer to the edge.The point of these works is almost invariably to heighten energy. They are driving and intense, with no limits on dissonance or sound. Often they are interesting, surprisingly graspable ideas that reflect the bombardment of sensory data we encounter in everyday life, and take for granted in our ability to process or shut them out. The investment of the composers here in their work is obvious, as the pieces are never dull or amateurish. This is a disc on the farthest cutting edge of the ever-evolving definition of music. (Label Description)