1. No S Qu Tiene Esta Calle [Whats Going on in This Street?]
2. Malae a [Bad Luck]
3. El Solitario [The Lonely Man]
4. Dicen Que Las Heladas [Morning Dew]
5. Ni a Sube a La Lancha [Girl, Step into My Boat]
6. Ni a [Girl]
7. Segrilla [Segrilla (A Dance)]
8. Casamiento de Negros [Black Wedding]
9. El Casorio [The Wedding]
10. La Isla [Instrumental]
11. Pa Mar Adentro [for Sailing...]
12. Volver a Los 17 [To Be Seventeen Again]
13. Manta de Tres Colores [Poncho of Three Colours]
14. Comencemos por Aqui [We Begin Here]
15. Cancion Para Chiloe [Instrumental]
16. Negro Cachimbo [the Black Miner]