1. Belorüskije Tánzi [Belarusian Dances]
2. Gorjáchaja Pólka [Fast Polka]
3. Brátka-Belorus [Belarusian Brother]
4. Derevénskij Vals I Pólka [Village Waltz and Polka]
5. Polka Dedauskaja
6. Variations of a Folk Tune
7. Polka
8. Polka Déduchka [Polka Grandfather]
9. Korobeiniki
10. Czárdás
11. Vesénnajaja Hora [Spring Hora]
12. Carnival in Venice
13. Kaljá Maigó Cerama [Near My House]
14. Music Pictures of Cuba
15. Introduction and Czárdás
16. Polka