Hello Afrika (Fast Blast Club Mix)
Stop The Pollution (Album Version)
U & Mi (Album Version)
No Coke (7" Mix)
One Love (Radio Version)
Sing Hallelujah! (Short)
It's My Life (Radio Edit)
Look Who's Talking (Long)
Let The Beat Go On (Short)
Away From Home (Short)
This Time I'm Free (Credibility Mix)
Hallelujah Day (Radio)
Born In Africa (Original Radio Version)
It's My Life (Sash! RMX)
Sing Hallelujah! (DJ Stevie Steve's Pizzi Edit)
Hello Africa ('97 RMX)
No Coke (Klanghouse RMX)
1, 4: SweMix Publishing & Misty Music.
2, 3: SweMix Music.
5, 7, 14: SweMix Music / SweMix Songs.
6, 15: SweMix Music / SweMix Songs / Songs Of Logic.
8, 9: Dr. Songs / Cheiron Songs.
10 to 13: Dr. Songs.
16: SweMix Songs / Cheiron Songs.
17: SweMix Music & Misty Music.
1, 4: â„— 1990 Logic Records.
2, 3: â„— 1991 Logic Records.
5: â„— 1992 Swemix Records / Logic.
6: â„— 1993 Logic Records.
7: ℗ 1992 BMG Ariola München GmbH.
8 to 10: â„— 1994 Cheiron.
11: ℗ 1995 Dr. Records AB / BMG Ariola München GmbH.
12: â„— 1996 Dr. Records AB.
13: ℗ 1996 Dr. Records AB / BMG Ariola München GmbH.
14 to 17: ℗ 1997 BMG Ariola München GmbH.
© 1997 BMG Ariola München GmbH.
Distributed by the local BMG company. A unit of BMG Entertainment.
Made in the EU.
Produzido na Zona Franca de Manaus por
Sonopress - RIMO da Amazônia Indústria e Comércio Fonográfica Ltda - Rua Iça, 100-A - Distrito Industrial - CEP 69075-080 - Manaus/AM - CGC 84494129/0001-63 - Inscrição Estadual 04128398-7
Sob encomenda de BMG Brasil Ltda. - Av. Piramboia, 2898 - Parte 7 - Barueri - São Paulo/SP
1997 - Disco é Cultura
Art Direction
Thomas Sassenbach
X-Space Design Group Munich,
Phonographic Copyright (p)
Logic Records
Phonographic Copyright (p)
Swemix Records
Phonographic Copyright (p)
BMG Ariola München GmbH
Phonographic Copyright (p)
Phonographic Copyright (p)
Dr. Records AB
Copyright (c)
BMG Ariola München GmbH
Distributed By
Pressed By
Published By
SweMix Publishing
Published By
Misty Music
Published By
SweMix Music
Published By
SweMix Songs
Published By
Songs Of Logic
Published By
Dr. Songs
Published By
Cheiron Songs