Diafanoidi - Diafanoids
Cristalli Sospesi - Suspended Crystals
Minaccia Interstellare - Interstellar Threat
Stirpe Aliena - Alien Race
Fluttuando - Floating
Desolazione Cosmica - Cosmic Desolation
Sono Tra Di Noi! - They Are Among Us!
Scontro Finale - Final Clash
Criminali Dalle Galassie - Criminals From The Galaxies
Amebe Cosmiche - Cosmic Amoebas
Oltre La 5ª Dimensione - Beyond 5th Dimension
Diafane Presenze - Diaphanous Ghosts
Galaxy Galore
Fiori Del Male - Flowers Of Evil
Segnali Dall'Infinito - Signals From The Infinite
Bolle Di Azoto - Nitrogen Bubbles
Radiofaro - Radio Beacon
Gorgo Stellare - Stellar Vortex
Pianeta Errante - Wandering Planet
Fuori Orbita - Out Of Orbit
Paradosso Spaziotemporale - Space-time Paradox
C'è Ancora Un Futuro - There's Still A Future
Rotta Di Collisione - Collision Course
Conto Alla Rovescia - Countdown
Vagabondi Dello Spazio - Space Vagrants
Verso Altre Galassie - To Other Galaxies
I Diavoli Dello Spazio - Space Devils
Mostri O Semidei? - Monsters Or Demigods?
Come Un Western... - As A Western Movie
Snow Devils
All tracks taken from four different sci-fi movies directed by Antonio Margheriti (as Anthony M. Dawson) in 1965.
Edizioni musicali BMG RICORDI S.p.A. / CAM s.r.l.
(P) (C) 1997 BMG RICORDI S.p.A. / CAM s.r.l.
Made in Italy BIEM/SIAE
Distributed by the local BMG Company
A Unit of BMG Entertainment
All trademarks and logos are protected
RCA is a registered trademark of
General Electric Company, U.S.A.
Printed in Italy - Imprimé en Italie
(P)(C)1997 BMG RICORDI S.p.A. / CAM s.r.l.
Composed By, Directed By
Angelo Francesco Lavagnino
Coordinator [Executive Coordinator]
Guido PodestÃ
Elena Manzo
Orchestrated By [Orchestra Directed By]
Carlo Savina
Remastered By [Remastering Engineer]
Paolo Venditti
Supervised By [Supervisor]
Sergio Bassetti