Guia Prático I
Acordei De Madrugada (I Woke Up Very Early)
A Maré Encheu (The Tide Flowed)
A Roseira (The Rosebush)
Manquinha (The Little Limping Girl)
Na Corda Da Viola (On The String Of The Guitar)
Guia Prático II
Brinquedo (Play)
Machadinha (Little Axe)
Espanha (Spain)
Samba-Lêlê (Samba-Lêlê)
Senhora Dona Viuva (Mrs. Widow)
Guia Prático III
O Pastorzinho (The Little Shepherd)
João Cambuête (João Cambuête)
A Freira (The Nun)
Garibaldi Foi À Missa (Garibaldi Went To Mass)
Ó Pião (Oh Whirligig)
Guia Prático IV
O Pobre E O Rico (The Pauper And The Rich)
Rosa Amarela (Yellow Rose)
Olha O Passarinho, Dominé! (Look At The Little Bird, Dominé!)
O Gato (The Cat)
Ó Sim! (Oh Yes!)
Guia Prático V
Os Pombinhos (The Little Doves)
Você Diz Que Sabe Tudo (You Say You Know Everything)
Có, Có, Có! (Có, Có, Có!)
O Bastão Ou Mia Gato ('The Stick' Or 'Cat Miaow')
A Condessa (The Countess)
Guia Prático VI
Sonho De Uma Creança (A Child's Dream)
O Corcunda (The Hunchback)
Caranguejo (Crab)
A Pombinha Voou (The Little Dove Flew Away)
Vamos Atraz Da Serra, Oh! Calunga! (Let's Go Behind The Mountain, Oh! Calunga!)
Guia Prático VII
No Fundo Do Meu Quintal (In My Backyard)
Vai Abórada! (Some Pumpkin!)
Vamos, Maruca (Let's Go, Maruca)
Os Pombinhos (The Little Doves)
Anda à Roda (Round The Circle)
Guia Prático VIII
Ó Limão (Oh Lemon)
Carambola (Carambola)
Pobre Céga (Poor Blind One)
Pai Francisco (Father Francisco)
Xô! Passarinho (Shoo! Little Bird)
Sinh' Aninha (Miss Aninha)
Vestidinho Branco (Little White Dress)
Guia Prático IX
Laranjeira Pequenina (Small Orange Tree)
Pombinha, Rolinha – Brinquedo De Roda (Little Dove, Little Pigeon – Round Song)
Ó Ciranda, Ó Cirandinha (Ó Ciranda, Ó Cirandinha – Round Song)
A Velha Que Tinha Nove Filhas (The Old Woman Who Had Nine Daughters)
Constante (Faithful)
O Castelo (The Castle)
Piano Music • 5
Recorded at the Performing Arts Center, The Country Day School, King City, Ontario, Canada, from 2nd to 5th January, 2006
Made in Canada
Composed By
Heitor Villa-Lobos
Sonia Rubinsky
Phonographic Copyright (p)
Naxos Rights International Ltd.
Copyright (c)
Naxos Rights International Ltd.