No.1 My Ladye Nevells Grownde
No.2 Qui Passe: For My Ladye Nevell
No.3 Before March Before The Battell
No. 4 The Battell
The Souldiers Sommons
The Marche Of The Footemen
The Marche Of The Horsmen
The Trumpetts
The Irishe March
The Bagpipe And The Drone
The Flute And The Droome
The Marche To The Fighte
The Retreat
No. 5 The Galliarde For The Victorie
No. 6 The Barleye Breake
No. 7 Galliards Gygge
No. 8 The Huntes Upp
No. 9 Ut Re Mi So Fa Sol La
No. 10 The Firste Pavian
No. 11 The Galliarde To The First Pavian
No.12 The Seconde Pavian
No. 13 The Galliarde To The Seconde Pavian
No. 14 The Third Pavian
No. 15 The Galliarde To The Third Pavian
No. 16 The Fourth Pavian
No. 17 The Galliarde To The Fourth Pavian
No. 18 The Fifte Pavian
No. 19 The Galliarde To The Fifte Pavian
No. 20 Pavian The Sixte: Kinbrugh Goodd
No. 21 The Galliarde To The Sixte Pavian
No. 22 The Seventh Pavian
No. 23 The Eighte Pavian
No. 24 The Passinge Mesures: The Nynthe Pavian
No. 25 The Galliarde To The Nynthe Pavian
No. 26 A Voluntaire: For My Ladye Nevell
No. 27 Will Yow Walke The Woods Soe Wylde
No. 28 The Maidens Songe
No. 29 A Lesson Of Voluntaire
No. 30 The Seconde Grownde
No. 31 Have With Yow To Walsingame
No. 32 All In A Garden Grine
No. 33 Lord Willobies Welcome Home
No. 34 The Carmans Whistle
No. 35 Hughe Astons Grownde
No. 36 A Fancie
No. 37 Sellingers Rownde
No. 38 Munsers Almaine
No. 39 The Tennthe Pavian: Mr W. Peter
No. 40 The Galliard To The Tennthe Pavian
No. 41 A Fancie
No. 42 A Voluntaire
My Ladye Nevells Booke is a collection of 42 keyboard pieces by the greatest English composer of his day, William Byrd. It includes dances, variations, contrapuntal fancies and battle pieces, and was compiled seemingly from the composer's for Lady Nevell, half-sister to Frances Bacon and third wife of Sir Henry Nevell of Billingbere, who was her second husband. The volume, dated 1591 and handsomely bound was acquired by the British Library in 2006. It constitutes a significant monument to Byrd's achievement as a composer for the virginals.
Recorded at Ploger Hall, Manchester, Michigan, USA in August 2006.
CD Box set including eight page booklet with details of the harpsichords used and a biography of Elizabeth Farr.
℗ & © 2007. CD made in Canada; printed & assembled in USA. Comes in a “chunky” jewel case, with an 8pp booklet having notes in English. Total playing time 224:51.
Recorded August, 2006 at Ploger Hall, Manchester, Michigan, USA, using an edition of the music originally published by J. Curwen, London (1926) & reprinted by Dover Publications (c.1969).
Cover painting: detail of a harpsichord soundboard by Keith Hill (1978), photographed by Keith Hill.
My Ladye Nevells Booke is a collection of 42 keyboard pieces by the greatest English composer of his day, William Byrd. It includes dances, variations, contrapuntal fancies and battle pieces, and was compiled seemingly from the composer's for Lady Nevell, half-sister to Frances Bacon and third wife of Sir Henry Nevell of Billingbere, who was her second husband. The volume, dated 1591 and handsomely bound was acquired by the British Library in 2006. It constitutes a significant monument to Byrd's achievement as a composer for the virginals.
Elizabeth Farr
Wolfgang Rübsam (2)
Composed By
William Byrd
Cover [picture]
Keith Hill (5)
Elizabeth Farr
Liner Notes
Elizabeth Farr,
Keith Hill (5)
Wolfgang Rübsam (2)
Phonographic Copyright (p)
Naxos Rights International Ltd.
Copyright (c)
Naxos Rights International Ltd.
Pressed By
Americ Disc
Recorded At
Ploger Hall