Recitativo (Tenor) "'Twas At The Royal Feast"
Aria And Chorus "Happy Pair!"
Recitative (Tenor) "Timotheus, Plac'd On High"
Accompagnato (Soprano) "The Song Began From Jove"
Chorus "The List'ning Crowd Admired The Lofty Sound"
Aria (Soprano) "With Ravish'd Ears, The Monarch Hears"
Recitativo (Tenor) "The Praise Of Bacchus"
Aria (Bass) And Chorus "Bacchus, Ever Fair And Young"
Recitative (Tenor) "Sooth'd With The Sound"
Accompagnato (Soprano) "He Chose A Mournful Muse"
Aria (Soprano) "He Sung Darius, Great And Good"
Accompagnato (Soprano) "With Downcast Looks The Joyless Victor Sate"
Chorus "Behold Darius Great And Good"
Recitativo (Tenor) "The Mighty Master Smiled To See"
Aria (Soprano) "Softly Sweet In Lydian Measures"
Aria (Tenor) "War, He Sung, Is Toil And Trouble"
Chorus "The Many Rend The Skies With Loud Applause"
Aria (Soprano) "The Prince, Unable To Conceal His Pain"
Chorus "The Many Rend The Skies With Loud Applause"
Accompagnato (Tenor) And Chorus "Now Strike The Golden Lyre Again!"
Aria (Bass) "Revenge, Timotheus Cries"
Accompagnato (Tenor) "Give The Vengeance Due To The Valiant Crew!"
Aria (Tenor) "The Princes Applaud With A Furious Joy"
Aria (Soprano) And Chorus "Thais Led The Way"
Accompagnato (Tenor) And Chorus "Thus, Long Ago"
Recitative (Tenor) "Let Old Timotheus Yield The Prize"
Chorus "Let Old Timotheus Yield The Prize"
12 pp booklet (English, German)
Recorded live on 11th May, 2008
The sung texts, including a German translation, can be accessed at
Adapted By (Text)
Newburgh Hamilton
Bass Vocals
Klaus Mertens
Jennifer Harris,
Petra Herrmann
Daniela Wartenberg
Junge Kantorei
Composed By
George Frideric Handel,
Conductor, Edited By
Joachim Carlos Martini
Double Bass
Jacques Van Der Meer
Flute [Flauto Traverso]
Monika Kleinle
Flute, Oboe
Mario Topper,
Simone Stultiens
Masako Art
Harpsichord, Organ
Rien Voskuilen
Christiane Vosseler,
Raphael Vosseler
Liner Notes
Keith Anderson (6)
Liner Notes [German Translation]
Cris Posslac
Andrea Baur
Frankfurt Baroque Orchestra,
Soprano Vocals
Gerlinde Sämann
Tenor Vocals
Knut Schoch
Text By
John Dryden
Eckhard Leue
Geerten Rooze,
Susan Williams (2)
Chen-Ying Lu,
Dymitr Olszewski
Anne Schumann,
Dorothea Vogel,
Franc Polman,
Hans-Joachim Berg,
Judith Freise,
Kumiko Yamauchi,
Salma Sadek,
Seija Teeuwen
Phonographic Copyright (p)
Naxos Rights International Ltd.
Copyright (c)
Naxos Rights International Ltd.
Recorded At
Kloster Eberbach, Rheingau, Germany