Intermedio from La Boda de Luis Alonso
Soiree dans Grenade (from Estampes)
Guajiras de Lucia
Spanish Impressions (dedicated to Rafael Aguirre)*
I. Asturiano
II. Valenciano
III. Andaluz
La Puerta del vino (from Preludes, Book 2)
Francisco Alegre
Gran Jota
Serenata espanola
Rafael Aguirre is acknowledged as one of today’s most celebrated virtuoso guitarists, having won first prize at 13 of the world’s most prestigious international competitions: a record-breaking achievement for a Spanish musician. Following on from his previous, acclaimed recording (8.572064), this full-blooded recital is of music by Spanish composers or those influenced by Iberia, from the pure flamenco of Paco de LucÃa’s Guajiras to Debussy’s impressionistic Soirée dans Grenade, and from Albéniz’s Triana, named after the gypsy quarter in Seville, to the virtuoso fireworks of Tárrega’s Gran Jota.
Playing Time