Bachianas Brasileiras No. 4
Prelúdio (Prelude)
Coral: Canto Do Sertão (Choral: Song Of The Heartlands)
Ária: Cantiga (Aria: Song)
Dansa: Miudinho (Dance: Miudinho)
Poema Singelo (Simple Song)
Carnaval Das Crianças (Children's Carnival)
O Ginete Do Pierrozinho (The Little Pierrot's Pony)
O Chicote Do Diabinho (The Little Devil's Whip)
A Manha Da Pierrete (The Pierette's Ruse)
Os Guizos Do Dominozinho (The Little Domino's Jingle Bells)
As Peripecias Do Trapeirozinho (The Little Ragpiper's Adventures)
As Traquinices Do Mascarado Mignon (The Masked Boy's Pranks)
A Gaita De Um Precoce Fantasiado (The Fife Of A Precocious Daydreamer)
A Folia De Un Bloco Infantil (The Gaity Of A Children's Band)
Francette Et Piá - Piá Est Venu En France (Piá Came To France) - Piá A Vu Francette (Piá Saw Francette) - Piá A Parlé À Francette (Piá Spoke To Francette) - Piá Et Francette Jouent Ensemble (Piá And Francette Play Together) - Francette Est Fâchée (Francette Is Cross) - Piá Est Parti Pour La Guerre (Piá Went To War) - Francette Est Triste (Francette Is Sad) - Piá Revient De La Guerre (Piá Returns From War) - Francette Est Contente (Francette Is Happy) - Francette Et Piá Jouent Pour Toujours (Francette And Piá Play Together Forever)
A Fiandeira (The Spinner)
Simples Coletânea (Simple Collection)
Valsa Mistica (Mystic Waltz)
Num Berço Encantado (In An Enchanted Cradle)
Rhodante (Round Dance)
Valsa Romântica
Recorded 17 to 20 Oct 2003.
(p) & (c) 2004.
Made in the E.U.
Composed By
Heitor Villa-Lobos
Liner Notes
James Melo
Liner Notes [German Translation]
Bernd Delfs
Sonia Rubinsky
Bonnie Silver
Producer, Engineer
Norbert Kraft
Phonographic Copyright (p)
Naxos Rights International Ltd.
Copyright (c)
Naxos Rights International Ltd.
Recorded At
Grace Church On-The-Hill, Toronto