Intro (Everything's Going Fine)
Christianity Is Stupid
Helter Stupid (Excerpt)
Greatest Taste Around
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Car Bomb
A Nice Place To Live
Seat Bee Sate
The Playboy Channel
I Am God
Roy Storey Sports Line
Oven Noises
Theme From A Big 10-8 Place (Live)
The Music of Negativland as Performed by the 180 Gs
Tracks 1, 8 from "Negativland"
Tracks 2, 6, 9 from "Escape from Noise"
Track 7 from "Points"
Track 5 from "U2"
Track 10 from "Free"
Track 11 from OTE Vol. 4 - "Dick Vaughan's Moribund Music of the 70's"
Track 12 from OTE Vol. 6 - "The Willsaphone Stupid Show"
Track 13 from "A Big 10-8 Place"
Recorded in The Closet Studios, Detroit, Michigan.
Arranged By
The 180 Gs
Composed By
Sophocles Jones
Chris Minnick,
David Minnick,
Dick Minnick,
Don Minnick,
Mark Minnick,
Peter Minnick
D'Andre Xavier Jones,
Leonardo De Vinci Knight