1. Let Erin Remeber - High Road to Gairloch - Minstrel Boy
2. John Anderson My Jo - Mary Scot - Keelman Oer the Land
3. The Dream Valley of Glendaurel - The Old Rustic Bridge - Bonnie Dundee - Campbells Farewell to Redcastle
4. The Mist Covered Mountains
5. Theme for the Greenlands
6. Balmoral - Morag of Dunvegan - The Rowan Tree - Drum Salute - Donald MacLeod
7. The Sands of Kuwait
8. The Detroit Highlanders - Anniston Castle - The Blackberry Bush
9. Robs Wedding - Pipe Major Sam Scott
10. Loch Lomond
11. When the Battle Is Over - Green Hill of Tyrol - Pipe Major Cairns
12. French Scottishe
13. The H.L.I. Hornpipe - Walking the Floor - The Skye Boat Song - Orange and Blue - Captain Horne - The High Road to Linton
14. Castle Walls
15. God Save Ireland - The Boy From Killane - Wearing of the Green
16. The Saffron Kilt - The Irish Washerwoman
17. Scotland the Brave
18. Amazing Grace
19. Amazing Grace
20. Amazing Grace