1. The Star Spangled Banner (arr. F. Werle)
2. Anchors Aweigh - The Army Goes Rolling Along, The Caisson Song - Off We Go Into the wild Blue Yonder - The Marines Hymn - Semper Paratus -
3. God Bless the USA
4. America ? the Dream Goes On (arr. M. Davis)
5. Yankee Doodle Dandy - Im A Yankee Doodle Dandy - Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean - Youre A Grand Old Flag
6. God Bless America (arr. K. Laurent)
7. Screaming Eagles - Sky Soldiers - All American Soldiers - Big Red One - Follow Me - Dogface Soldier (arr. V. Norman and J. Norris)
8. This Land is Your Land (arr. P. Faith)
9. Battle Hymn of the Republic (arr. P. Wilhousky)
10. The Testament of Freedom
11. This Is My Country (arr. R. Walters and F. Werle)
12. We Were There (arr. M. Taylor)
13. A Hero for Today (arr. D. Clydesdale)
14. America The Beautiful (arr. C. Dragon)
15. CBS All-Star Salute to Our Troops: The Last Full Measure of Devotion (arr. M. Davis)
16. The Stars and Stripes Forever
17. My country tis of thee, America (arr. R. Edgerton)