El Que Mas Te Ha Querido (The One Who Loved You The Most)
Naufragio (Lost Love), Rosa (Rose), Solamente Una Vez (You Belong To My Heart)
La Barca (The Barque), Mucho Corazon (Too Much Heart)
Campanitas De Cristal (Crystal Bells), Capullito De Alheli (Lilly Buds)
The Wind Beneath My Winds (Gracias A Ti)
Amor Eterno (Eternal Love)
Nunca (Never), Toda Una Vida (For A Lifetime)
Inolvidable (Unable To Forget You), Usted (You)
El Bardo (The Troubador)
Con Los Brazos Abiertos (With Open Arms)
I Will Always Love You (Amor Siempre Tu)