1. Equatorial Bliss (Wayra)
2. Bachanal At Frisco (A. St. John)l
3. Columbine-Tears For The Children (J. Brongo)
4. Pan Vibes (W. Johnson)
5. Summer Winds-Martinas Song (A. St. John)
6. Lovers Anniversary (A. St. John)
7. Prismatic Pans (A. St. John)
8. Ocean Blue (A. St. John)
9. Rye At Tubals (A. St. John)l
10. All The Love, All The Joy (A. St. John)
11. Many Voices, Many Visions (C. Clarke)
12. Dawn Of The Millenium-World At Peace (O.F. Tekbilek)
13. The Old Lamplighter (Nat Simon/Charles Tobias)
14. The Old Lamplighter Reprise